Our Beaver section, led by Claire, is our youngest section with members between 6 and 8 years old. It's very popular so we suggest getting names on the waiting list as soon as possible. Do so by contacting us through this site.
Our Cubs section, covering ages between 8 and 10 1/2, is led by Karen and is the next step from Beavers, although we are always welcoming new starters.
Led by Russ, Logwood is one our two Scout troops covering ages from 10 1/2 to 14. This is the next-step for some of our Cubs and we are always welcoming newcomers.
Led by Matt and Stacey, this troop also offers a next-step for some Cubs as well as newcomers who are always welcome.
Although they are offically part our district and not necessarily the group, we have strong links with Dinting Explorers, led by Margaret, which is where most of our Scouts go to once they're 14, working towards DofE awards amongst others.
1st Dinting Scout Group
1st Dinting Scout Group, Adderley Place, Glossop, Derbyshire SK13 6PA GB
Copyright © 2021 1st Dinting Scout Group - All Rights Reserved.